Laura Fine TEH Series – May 6th, 2018


Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
May 6th, 2018


Ready for Eye Push-ups? Do NOT WEAR SUNGLASSES unless absolutely necessary while driving. You may have to give up feeling like a mysterious movie star, but sunglasses weaken your eyes. You can improve your vision with simple eye exercises. When you are out walking, do distance gazing with your eyes. Gaze at trees and clouds over 200 feet away and you’ll exercise your eyes and improve your vision. Deep breathe while you do it for further benefit.

Be sure to Share this with your clients.

And one more —  according to the research shared in the book, “The Blue Zones,” one of the secrets to longevity is connection and community. I listened to the book while travelling and running last week — it’s worth a read. Lots of gems to share with clients.