It’s All in Their Heads – June 29th, 2018
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
June 29th, 2018
It’s All in Their Heads
I know that many docs fall into the trap of prescribing Prozac and other antidepressants when they can’t find a reason for their patient’s symptoms.
A big part of that is that they don’t look at nutrition and lifestyle, like we do.
Another aspect of that is attitude.
Many people believe they can’t get well. They’ve been programmed into victimhood or they’ve been wounded as children, and are living out the pattern with ill health as a result.
Childhood Disrupted is a book I’ve recommended in the past. Here is the link to the book on Amazon:
Another resource for getting to the heart of the mindset component of your client’s health challenges is in Pillar 6 of Body Freedom, on Outlook.
And finally, I highly recommend Laura Fine’s class, Dancing with Defenses, starting tomorrow.
I am excited to be able to participate, along with many of your colleagues in NEPT. I’ve seen people’s healing accelerate when applying the strategies Laura teaches. Check it out here at and be sure to reach out on the Facebook group and ask those who have taken it or are planning to be there.
There are still seats and she’s offering it at a very low investment as this is the first time it’s being offered online (each section is recorded so you can listen over and over).
Now for a bit of adjustment on my outlook and attitude. I am off to the beach for real!!!
I’ll see you tomorrow at Dancing with Defenses and the Healing Kitchen show. After that I’m off.