Methylation Resources – August 21st, 2016

Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
August 21st, 2016 

Methylation Resources

Recently, I did a clinical pearl on the genetic report from metabolic healing that Jamie Johnson had recommended.

I really like that report and there is a new one that I also like (and they are different). It’s called Strategene, and it’s from Dr. Ben Lynch and

You can access it HERE:

They also have a brand new Facebook group and Dr. Lynch was planning a Facebook LIVE on Thursday. I haven’t checked yet, but I bet the recording of it is up by now.

I have only run the report twice – once on a client and once on myself. I like how it’s laid out so you can see your SNPs on the pathway planner diagrams. Here’s a link to mine so you can study it and decide if you want to run it on your family or clients:

It doesn’t have as many SNPs reported as the report at , but it has more detailed explanations and some clinical protocol options as well.

We have an entire module on Nutrigenomics in Mastery, and Mastery members also have access already to the Nutrigenomics module on our Vibrant Living Members (VLM) client membership site (that one has over 20 hours of materials, including presentations and actual cases. It’s actually a pre-req for the NEPT module and is a great way to get your feet wet.)

Here’s what I suggest if you’d like to step into the Nutrigenomics works and get your feet wet.

Map your genetics at  (my code gives you $20 off).

Run the following reports and study them. Starting with your own genetics will give you practice.  – Run the methylation and detox reports and use the following documents to interpret them.  – Run Sterling’s report (about 49 pages). The online version has links to videos and descriptions for some but not all of the SNPs.  – Nice report organized by body system with descriptions of meaning (about 48 pages).  – Dr. Ben Lynch’s new report includes charts and descriptions, including some suggested actions to take.  – Somewhat confusing on some SNPS, good on others; not as valuable in my opinion as the above but a good learning tool.

Watch the videos on the Nutrigenomics pages (Mastery only)

(login to VLM, then click to access)
