The Master Health Tracker – April 3rd, 2016
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
April 3rd, 2016
The Master Health Tracker
If you’ve ever sat scratching your head wondering how to organize your client’s story, tests, and protocols in a succinct way so you can easily think things through and determine what to do next, I have a tool for you.
On the website, it’s what I call the Master Health Tracker.
I will be presenting live on how to use it and tailor for your practice. The recording will be put on the website.
I am working on a client-care summary that you can put in the front of their chart as well. This is anticipated to be completed by the end of April.
In the meantime, think of each client as a puzzle – a mystery to be solved.
Gather the information you need to see how the puzzle pieces fit together. What’s their story? What lead up to their first experience of their current symptoms? How has it evolved? The questions in our history module are intended to unravel the story. Study them. Obviously, you don’t need to ask every question of every client.
With experience comes the ability to hone in, see what’s been overlooked, and then determine what further info is needed (i.e. testing), and what the next step will be.
Remember, it’s a partnership between you and your client. You don’t and will never have all the answers. It’s so important for them to know you are on their side and will be digging, offering support, and guiding them every step of the way.
At the retreat, there will be time for case study analysis in real time, in pairs, and with the ability to get support.
Be the practitioner you wish you had!