The Initial Intake with a New Client – July 7th, 2015


Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
July 7th, 2015

The Initial Intake with a New Client

I have been doing quite a few new client start-ups, as our new Energy Recharge Inner Circle is gearing up and we have lots of new clients. I love the “getting to know you” process, and it varies a little from person to person. Last week I did 4 new client appointments and each one was different.

The most important thing is to really listen, gain trust and establish rapport.

You may have in mind a multitude of things you want to share and ask on the first visit, and sometimes you need to let it go and go with the flow.

Tuning into what they need most is critical.

I give you a model to follow – ideas for types of questions to ask – and ultimately you need to know when the flow needs to be altered.

Practice on friends and family members.

Have them complete questionnaires and dig right in.

Do them on a teleconference line so you can record and listen back.

Ask colleagues for feedback if you are uncertain.

And if you record a good one go ahead and submit as part of your certification requirements.