Quick and easy resets for your busy clients. – July 12nd, 2015
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
July 12th, 2015
Quick and easy resets for your busy clients.
We all know the value of cleanses. Some have 7 day cleanses and others offer 30 day cleanses.
For the average busy, brain-fogged and overwhelmed client (and coach for that matter) it’s often helpful to hit the reset button.
SO many things can get us off course, including family issues, travel, big projects with deadlines and so much more.
So why not offer your clients the benefits of a cleanse or metabolic reset in short bursts.
Trying to get them to go gluten free? Give up sugar? Eat more greens?
Create a 3 day reset for them.
Give them recipes, menu plans and self-care activities that they can do for 3 days, then have them check in at the end of the 3 days.
Likely they will report feeling a lot better and will be more receptive to your longer term strategies.
From an implementation perspective, creating 3 days of menu plans and recipes for 9 meals is quick and easy to do.
Keep it simple, but not too drastic.
Let me know how it goes.