Limiting Beliefs – March 22nd, 2015


Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
March 22nd, 2015

Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs thwart your clients in their progress just as much, and sometimes more, than eating processed food and allergens do.   

This has been reinforced for me lately by some very sensitive conversations I’ve had with my coaching clients.

As most of you know, I run a year-long coaching program called Energy Recharge Coaching. Some NEPT members are already coaching small groups within this program, others have recently agreed to do that for the coming year for internship hours.  All of you will have the opportunity to do so when you are ready.

Yesterday we had one of our “Virtual Retreat” days where the participants come together for an all-day session with me.  We call it a retreat, because, like we do at our yearly retreat, each participant got a chance for spotlight coaching.

And like at our retreats, each person is at a different place and the types of obstacles that we discuss are very different.

Yesterday, limiting beliefs came up a few times and by being fully present with each person, I was able to go deep and break through some resistance.  At the same time, others listening told me that they got a tremendous amount of benefit from how others processed through.

I share this today to leave you with 2 pearls:

Pearl #1 – The importance of approaching each session with a client with openness to explore what is most needed at the time, even if you had an agenda for the call. Flexibility and tuning in to their needs is most important to help them break through obstacles.

Pearl #2 – The importance of addressing limiting beliefs right from the start.  You can identify these in their patterns of speech and how they talk about their health challenges.  Do they identify with the disease? Do they say things like “I can’t do that because of my fibromyalgia, or my disability, or my ‘insert disease name’?”  

Or do they say things that suggest they think they are not good enough, or that they will never get truly well, or that they have always been fat and can’t imagine it any other way?

Tune in to what they say, and the hidden belief below the surface.  Ask for permission to gently point out to them when they are limiting themselves and to explore more empowering language.

This is as important as teaching them what and when to eat and what supplements and herbs to take to correct imbalances.

Here are 2 resources to help with this:

A recent blog talk radio show:

A resource on limiting beliefs that’s part of the ERC program:  

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