GI Hormones and weight management – February 15th, 2015
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
Clinical Pearl
February 15th, 2015
GI Hormones and weight management
I was watching to a video by Mike Mutzel that someone posted to the INE site. I like Mike because he really delves into the biochemistry when he explains things.
When I interviewed him on my radio show, he spoke about how bariatric surgery (including gastric bypass) works in part because of the hormonal changes that occur in the gut as a result, resulting in decreased appetite and decreased blood sugar.
We’ll cover all of this in detail in the Digestive Module, but for now I wanted to make a few points. Due to the success of bariatric surgery with reducing appetite and thus weight, scientists are exploring ways to get the benefits without the very serious and life long side effects. So naturally they are looking for drugs that effect hormones like CCK, GLP1, and incretins.
However, why not look to food and lifestyle first?
It’s known that things like arabinogalactans, inulin, bifidobacter, and pea protein have similar positive effects on GI hormones, and things like curcumin reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity. According to Mike Mutzel, there have been studies showing that mindful eating and heartmath have the most significant effect of all.
So all the things we do and are learning more and more about each day are the things that will get the best results when it comes to balancing the hormones of the GI tract – and everywhere else.
For further reading / viewing on the topic check out: