ERSPC Case Study Archive
ERSPC – Case Study Call – November 2013
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
ERSPC – Case Study Call
November 2013
Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio(Mp3)
Reviewed requirement for ERSPC certification
Case study review of labs Begins @ 33:00// 83 y/o woman who has occasional ankle swelling, diarrhea, low potassium, low Creatinine, malabsorption, low calcium, low protein, high blood sugar (diagnosed with diabetes). She was taking a lot of supplements with rice flour and eating grapefruit. Sees a chiropractor and massage therapist. Took Premarin for 30 years. She takes Armour thyroid.
Suggested taking an iodine loading test. Result was .6 – iodine supplementation wasn’t working. Gut problems – leaky gut, malabsorption.
Very clean diet, energy, mental clarity. Chia pudding, green soup, cashew yogurt, she sprouts and dehydrates. Given all that she is taking, the conclusion is that there may be parasitic involvement; however, she is also taking something for parasites.
ERSPC – Case Study Call – September 2013
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
ERSPC – Case Study Call
September 2013
Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio(Mp3)
Case study – Begins @ 53 y/o female 5’6” 126 LB – full case study with labs – Hashimoto’s, thyroid and adrenals. Also taking bio-identical hormones.
Review of health issues and labs. Dr. RM suggested specific thyroid tests for re-testing as well as adrenal re-testing. She has relatively good eating and lifestyle habits, but will eat whatever is served when she goes out, and travels a lot. Someone with Hashimoto’s absolutely needs to be off all gluten and dairy. Drinks mostly shakes with supplements, some meat. She needs a good diet diary. More greens, no sugar (B4B Gone program)
ERSPC – Case Study Call – August 2013
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
ERSPC – Case Study Call
August 25, 2013
Notes: No video or audio
Case Study – Begins @ 5:45// Beverly O’Brien// with Michalene – Full case study with in depth 23 and Me overview. Chronic pain (wrist & shoulders), gut bacteria and parasites, tired and wired, using acupuncture. Adrenal overload. Hospitalizations with general anesthesia and antibiotics.
Look at detoxification, methylation, mitochondrial function, effecting all systems within the body.
Based on genetic SNPs, at higher risk for reproductive cancers. Needs additional support.
Detox/oxidation – risk for Alzheimer’s – connection with estrogen metabolism. Increased oxidative stress can predispose for Alzheimer’s.
SOD SNP – decreased activity plus additional need for Glutathione and mitochondria support. If mitochondria aren’t functioning, causes lower energy and function of organs and glands – you become a slug.
Mitochondria – NOS SNPs energy, increased potential for ammonia = fatigue, brain fog. SNPs in 90% of mitochondria causing issues with energy.
Methylation – DNA functionality, specifically Folate, 70% reduction to process Folate. Inability to fight infections, reduced methylation, decreased production of glutathione. Increase in clotting issues, Alzheimer’s, cancer.
Hormones – SNPs effecting liver detoxification and hormone metabolism. Vulnerable to stress due to epinephrine breakdown. Lower capacity for vitamin D receptors. Blood sugar regulation – IGF1 IF1H1 autoimmune. Increased risk to cancers of the cervix.
DAO – increased histamines inflammation. GAD1 – general anxiety disorder
ERSPC – Case Study Call – June 2013
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
ERSPC – Case Study Call
June 23, 2013
Notes: No Audio or Video available.
Case study – 52 y/o female 5’9” 205lbs – Full case study with labs & digestive scores
Diverticulitis, IBS, hypothyroid
Glucose issues, liver stress, inflammation, absorption, fat digestion – Gluten, dairy, processed foods, sugar and grain free diet. Add blended vegetables, chia/flax EFA’s, Opti 3. At risk for colon cancer. Nutrient dense blended foods. Slippery Elm, marshmallow.
ERSPC Case Study Call – April 2013
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
ERSPC – Case Study Call
April 2013
Downloads: Audio (Mp3)
Case #1 – Begins@5:22// 38 y/o female 5’3” 259lbs- case study with labs and Roadmap
Inability to lose weight, headaches, memory loss and confusion (almost like amnesia), occasional slurring of speech. She’s had complete neurological work up with MRI’s, CAT scans, as well as complete psych evaluation. Has had a lipoma removed from back of skull. No energy. Her temperature runs about 100 all the time. Can’t fall asleep and can’t stay asleep. Gets sick frequently. Intermittent liver pain. Became a vegetarian as a young child, but lived on PBJ and Mac cheese, lots of gluten. Puberty was the turning point in her health/weight. Early 20’s headaches started and dramatic weight increase. 27 started having neurologic symptoms. Lipoma removed and headaches, etc. resolved. At age 34 the headaches returned worse than previously. Elevated cortisol.
She’s been vegan, eaten raw, has done green juice fasting and still can’t lose weight and feels awful. Gave up Gluten, started taking Vitamin D, B12. At 37, she started the Gerson therapy for detoxification and gained weight. High glycemic juicing was spiking her blood sugar. She’s taken iodine, probiotics, digestive enzymes, omega 3’s
Started with 1 minute per day of exercise and is up to 2 minutes. Vitamin D supplementation has taken her D level from 7 up to 85. Possible heavy metal toxicity. Will do genetic testing. Taking methylated folate and B 12 patches.
29:35 review ASI, OAT and lab tests –
OAT test doesn’t show anything with gut dysbiosis // ASI – stage 2 adrenal fatigue DHEA is 3. Cortisol levels are unstable.
Review of labs – insulin resistant, high triglycerides, possible protein deficiency or malabsorption, liver /gallbladder stress, leaky gut. Could be related to the supplements she’s taking, or the B12 patch.
Summary from the group:
Heavy metals test, possible drugs or environmental exposures.
ERSPC Case Study Call – November 2012
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
ERSPC – Case Study Call
November 26, 2012
Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio(Mp3)
Case study – Begins@5:00// 52 y/o female 5’9” 205lbs – Full case study with labs & digestive scores
Diverticulitis, IBS, hypothyroid
Glucose issues, liver stress, inflammation, absorption, fat digestion – Gluten, dairy, processed foods, sugar and grain free diet. Add blended vegetables, chia/flax EFA’s, Opti 3. At risk for colon cancer. Nutrient dense blended foods. Slippery Elm, marshmallow
ERSPC Case Study Call – October 2012
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
ERSPC – Case Study Call
October 22, 2012
Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio (Mp3)
Case #1 – Begins@4:30// 49 y/o female 5’3” 155lbs – seems to be a partial case no labs
Migraines, sinusitis, fatigue, allergies, poor memory. History of chronic fatigue, cervical cancer, colitis, asthma, breast implants, poor diet
Strained immune system – elimination diet
Case #2 – Begins@36:00// 1:00:00 review of labs and health history36 y/o female 5’4.5” 113lbs – full case with labs and health history
Hypothyroid, stress around eating, hormone imbalance (mood swings). Long history of health issues from age 5. EBV age 22, mother and sister killed in a car accident age 28, depression after birth of second child age 33, always hungry, bloating.
Hashimoto’s, possible parasites, stress – NAC x2 3x/day Glutathione, high doses of C, Ashwaghanda for liver and adrenals, Apex Energetics Oxicell. Needs a meal plan.
ERSPC Case Study Call – September 2012
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
ERSPC – Case Study Call
September 24, 2012
Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio (Mp3)
Note: BalanceMyBody – JH female w/Hashimoto’s, excel and pdf for Hashimoto’s (should have been for October case study #2)
No cases submitted. First 20 minutes – how to fill out the case study form. Roadmap (lab) begins@ 20:00
Low BUN, low protein, elevated glucose, poor digestion
ERSPC Case Study Call – August 2012
Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT)
ERSPC – Case Study Call
August 30, 2012
Downloads: Audio (Mp3)
Case #1 – Begins @4:40// 43 y/o female – full case study including labs
Fatigue, breast tenderness mid-cycle, history of Crohn’s, IBS, no gallbladder, impaired digestion (20” small intestine removed)
Malabsorption, stress – low glycemic diet, B1, B6, B12 patch or sublingual, iron, magnesium, Heartmath, digestive enzymes, Bio Acid, A, D
Case #2 – Begins@43:30// 45 y/o male – seems to be a partial case study with labs
Digestive issues, high cholesterol, low functioning thyroid – on meds for both. Boarder-line diabetes; doctor wants to start insulin -client wants to avoid insulin.
Suspect adult onset autoimmune diabetes. Low vitamin D – Chromium, glutamine, C, B, blueberries, magnesium, glutathione, gluten and dairy-free diets, add fatty acids and eliminate all sugar.
Case #3 – Begins@56:45// 50’s female – Review with no labs
Pulled hamstring – unresolved after 4 months of massage, Epsom salts baths, arnica
Musculoskeletal, inflammation – BCQ (boswellia, curcumin & quercetin) to reduce substance P pain receptors. Ultra sound, B, C, magnesium, zinc, B12 patch, ginger juice every hour.